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Awesome Middle School Essay Topics

Do you have to write an essay on the title of your choice? This should have surprised you and kept you wondering what is expects of you. The motive is to test how creative you can be. This is an advantage on your side since you have the freedom to choose what to write about and to show in writing your strengths. This post is meant to help you pick a suitable topic to write an outstanding essay.

How to Select the Best Middle School Essay Topic? Tips from Pros

The thing is that picking a good topic for a middle school essay is like choosing a bicycle. The similarity lies in the fact that you should choose the one that you can use with ease, the one that is in your favorite color among other preferences. So in what ways should your essay topic be right for you?

Simple and Manageable

The topic of an essay should be devoted to something you understand and can use to demonstrate this understanding in writing. At the same time, the subject covered should also be the right size. In this respect, do not pick a topic that is too narrow and fails to reach the required word count as such topics will show that you did not put in enough efforts. Also, avoid topics that would make you write too much information since the reader may become bored.

Aligns with Your Interests

Your essay topic should be about something you do every day, something you want to do, something that affects you and you would like to change. These things can help you create a good topic. What is more, writing about something you are interested in gets you motivated and makes the writing process effortless.


The topic should be different from those of other students. Make it outstanding, which will show your creativity. You should realize that teachers have marked hundreds of essays and hence they can relate any similar topics. If your topic is very common, it might be monotonous, and thus the teacher will not find it interesting.

Get Inspired by This List of Middle School Essay Topics

Below are some topics compiled for you to get the idea of what is expected and help you craft amazing topics:

  • Write an essay about your first day at school. Include the people you met, the problems you faced and an overall impression of the day.
  • Write an essay about your favorite television show. Make sure you describe the various characters, the type of the show and the reason why it is your
  • Write an essay about your best friend. Mention his or her name, describe them and describe why that is your best friend.
  • Write an essay about the funniest thing that ever happened to you. Give specific details so that the reader can follow your story.
  • “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.” Describe the wrong decision you made interpreting the statement above.
  • Write an essay about your first pet. Describe the pet, why you kept it and how you came to own it.
  • Write an essay describing your secret talent. Describe what it means to you and how it fits into your
  • “Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” Use this statement to describe a bad experience you had.
  • Write an essay about your best characteristics according to other people. Give valid descriptions.
  • Write an essay describing a time your friend disappointed you. Tell how and why it happened and how it affected your
  • Write an essay describing a historical event you experienced. Give vivid descriptions of what the experience was like and what it meant to you.
  • In the form of an essay, describe the day you suffered a major injury. Give descriptions to how it happened, why it happened, and what it was like.
  • In the form of an essay, describe what you would change in the country if you were the president.
  • Write an essay persuading a friend to stop engaging in truancy.
  • In an essay form, write about things that make you angry and why.
  • Write an essay completing this thought: “If I could change one thing in the world today it would be…”
  • Think about one of your Write an essay describing how to engage in this activity. Give step-by-step instructions for the activity.
  • Imagine you had the choice to move to any city in the world and live there. Write an essay about what city it would be and why you picked it.
  • Imagine your school has banned all kinds of sport activities within its grounds. Write a letter to the school administration giving your position on the issue. Support your claims with convincing arguments.
  • Write an essay describing swimming as a sport. Give steps that one should follow to learn how to swim.
  • Write an essay about your nuclear family. Give clear descriptions about every member and their significance in your
  • In the form of an essay describe your most valuable possession. Write about what it is, how you acquired it, and why it is so special.
  • Write an essay about your role model. Describe this person and explain why you admire them.
  • In the form of an essay, describe a character in a literature book that you would like to meet in real life and mention the questions you would ask them.
  • You are a class representative at your In the form of an essay, describe how you plan to end bullying in your class.
  • Do you remember what you dream about? Write an essay about the most memorable dream you
  • Imagine your school advises all parents to stop their children from playing video games. Write an essay about your position on this issue and defend it with convincing arguments.
  • Write an essay about the best trip you ever had. Give vivid descriptions of the locations and the events that made it so.
  • In the form of an essay, describe your favorite kind of sport. Mention how and why you engaged in it and whether you would like to go in for it in the future.
  • “When anger rises, think of the consequences.” In the form of an essay, describe the day you let your anger get the best of you.
  • In the form of an essay, discuss whether schools should shorten the school week to four days instead of five. Give convincing arguments to defend your
  • “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.” Regarding this statement, write an essay about the day you helped a stranger.
  • Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice to the voiceless. Discuss this statement in the form of an essay,.
  • Should students have a greater say in what they learn? Write an essay defending your position on this matter.
  • Write an essay beginning with this statement. “I knew I had seen her before; I just could not remember where…”
  • The location where one is raised determines whom they become. Write an essay defending your position on this matter.
  • In the form of an essay, discuss the positive and negative effects of being in the sports school team.
  • Write an essay describing the major challenges students in your school face today.
  • In the form of an essay, discuss whether children should be allocated chores at home. Defend your position with valid explanations.
  • Write an essay about your favorite subject at school.
  • Write an essay about the worst argument you have ever had. Give explanations about how it started, who started it and how it affected your relationship with that person.
  • In the form of an essay, describe the effects that reality television has on young adults today.
  • Write an essay about the extracurricular activities you are involved in. Mention why you engaged in them and how much time they take.
  • Write a letter to the president of the United States describing what changes you would like him or her to make in the country.
  • You have been selected as a speaker on your graduation day. Write a speech that you would give to the graduating students.
  • In the form of an essay, describe why or why not all school sports should be co-educational having both girls and boys playing on the same team.
  • Write an essay about the best prize you have won. Describe what it was and what it means to you then and now.
  • In the form of an essay, describe the major changes you would make on your school lunch menu if you had the power to.
  • Write an essay describing your best month of the year.
  • In the form of an essay, describe your position on the awarding of participation trophies to students.
  • Write an essay describing your position on grouping students into ability-based sets.
  • In the form of an essay, describe the various problems you face as a typical middle school student.
  • Write an essay describing how you would contribute to ending world hunger if you had the power to.

Good Topics Can Also Take the Form of Middle School Essay Questions

Very often, an essay topic is put in the form of a question. These questions address various problems and issues that are significant to the writer. They include:

  • Should sports be treated as a subject at your school?
  • Is it right for children to have chores?
  • Are children affected by the violence they witness on television and video games?
  • Should bullies be subjected to harsh disciplinary measures?
  • Should uniforms be made mandatory at schools?
  • How much time should children watch the television?
  • If you could end one problem in the world, what could it be?

Great Middle School Essay Ideas You Can Use When Selecting a Topic

Here are also some ideas you can use to develop a great essay topic:

  • Your talent
  • Your goals
  • Your friends
  • An inspiring event in your life
  • A trip you took
  • A fear you conquered
  • A superpower you could have
  • An encounter with an animal
  • Your parents or family members
  • Your environment
  • Your skills and hobbies

Need Help with Choosing the Right Topic? Get It Here

If you still need help with choosing the right topic of your essay, you can get our help. We have a team of experts who can provide custom middle school essay on any topic you want. All you have to do is contact us and have it done. We ensure quality work as well as confidentiality to our customers. Contact us today!