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Quality Personal Essay Topics to Explore

Personal essays give much freedom to students because they are about telling your story. You have a vast selection of topics to choose from your experiences in life. Alternatively, you can choose to create an exciting story that can have the same results depending on your creative abilities. This guide provides more insights on how to select appropriate topics for the essay.

Need Valuable Tips on How to Select the Best Personal Essay Topic?

A personal essay offers a vast array of topics to choose from. So how do you select a fantastic topic that can showcase your skills adequately? Our experts have compiled useful tips you can use to narrow down your options and find a topic that is appropriate.

Be Unique

Try to avoid conventional topics or ones that are commonly selected by students. Your professors or instructors have probably graded countless essays and therefore developed the ability to identify some of the common themes students write about. You thus need to select a distinctive topic to stand out from the rest.

Recognize Your Abilities

When trying to choose what to write about, consider your strengths and weaknesses in writing. Choose a topic that can emphasize more on what you can do best.

Your Interests Matter

Your interest in a particular topic will dictate the amount of effort you put in writing. Moreover, when you write about what you love or something that appeals to your emotions, you realize that you become motivated to enhance the reader’s experience as much as you can.

Ensure the Topic is Manageable

Select a topic whose content can fit within the word limit required. In other words, ensure that the topic is neither too broad nor too narrow.

Here is a List of Personal Essay Topics to Get You Started

Essay topics can be derived from various basic aspects of someone’s life. The common ones are from childhood, past experiences, school years, relationships, morality issues, interests, and travels. There are also ‘imagine if’ topics that give you the freedom of imagination. Here are some of the topics:

  • Write an essay about a life-changing experience you
  • Describe the biggest loss you experienced in the form of an essay.
  • Write an essay about the proudest moment of your
  • Imagine if you could move to any country in the world and live there. Which one would you pick? Write an essay explaining why you chose that country
  • “Love ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases to be a secret.” In relation to this statement, write an essay about your secret love.
  • In the form of an essay write about a close call you experienced.
  • Write an essay about the toughest news you had to give. Include why you had to give the news.
  • Write an essay about a major wrong choice you made.
  • Imagine that you had the chance to change a single thing in your life. In the form of an essay describe what it would be and why you would want to change it.
  • Write an essay about the greatest discovery you have ever made.
  • Write an essay about a person that let you down. Describe how they let you down, why, and how it affected your relationship.
  • Ignorance is bliss. In relation to the statement, write an essay describing some things that you did not understand back then that you understand
  • Write an essay about the most humiliating moment of your life.
  • Write an essay describing events leading to the moment that you realized you were a grown-up.
  • Write an essay about how you met your best friend.
  • In the form of an essay describe the worst argument you ever had. Describe who it was with, who started it, and how it affected your relationship with that person.
  • Write an essay about a time you questioned a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome of this?
  • In the form of an essay describe a problem that you would want to solve in the world. Explain the steps you would take to resolve it.
  • Write an essay vividly describing your biggest fear in life.
  • Write an essay about the most difficult decision you ever had to make.
  • Live with technology, not through technology. In relation to this statement, write an essay about technological items you cannot live without.
  • Write an essay describing the best memory you had that involved your family members.
  • Write an essay about musicians who inspire you and make you feel good with their music.
  • Write an essay about someone you look up to. It can be a friend, a relative, a famous television personality, and explain why they appeal to you.
  • In the form of an essay describe your fears and phobias in life.
  • Write an essay about your first day in college.
  • In the form of an essay, describe an awkward encounter you had in college.
  • Write an essay about what motivates you to work hard and follow your dreams in life.
  • In the form of an essay describe an accomplishment in your life that sparked a period of growth and a better understanding of yourself.
  • Write an essay describing a hobby that you find so engaging you lose track of time.
  • Write an essay describing how your professor can motivate you to be better and achieve more.
  • In the form of an essay, describe the steps you would take to stop conflicts.
  • In the form of an essay, explain the best lesson you learned in your
  • Write an essay about how you deal with stressful situations in school.
  • Write an essay about the biggest failure in your life and what it taught you.
  • Imagine you came across a lot of In the form of an essay describe the first five things you would buy.
  • In the form of an essay describe your first encounter with your favorite meal.
  • Write an essay describing your dream job and explain why it is your dream job.
  • In the form of an essay describe the moment you heard the best words in your entire life.
  • Write an essay describing the most beautiful place you have ever been to and explain what the experience means to you.
  • Write an essay about something that makes you feel guilty every time you encounter it.
  • Write an essay describing what money means to you
  • Write an essay describing a place you always try to avoid.
  • Write an essay describing how you were taught a lesson by a child.
  • Imagine you traveled back in time to a hundred years ago. In the form of an essay describe what you would tell the people about the future?
  • Write an essay describing what animal you would want to be if you had to choose.
  • In the form of an essay describe an incident that made you believe that words can hurt.
  • Write an essay about the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
  • Write an essay describing the ugliest thing you have ever seen.
  • In the form of an essay describe an accident that you were part of and what it changed in your
  • In the form of an essay describe a situation where you made the right choice without knowing at the time.
  • Write an essay about your favorite color, what it means to you, and when you decided on it.
  • In the form of an essay describe a moment in your life when you needed a hug.
  • Write an essay about a lesson you learned the hard way.
  • Write an essay about your favorite sport and the memories you have of it.
  • Write an essay about the charity you would start if you had the resources.
  • Write an essay describing words that brought you hope during a dark time in your
  • Write an essay describing the happiest moment of your
  • Write an essay describing the saddest day of your
  • In the form of an essay describe your best friend.
  • Write an essay about a moment where you felt betrayed by a person.
  • In the form of an essay describe a moment that led you to unleash your
  • Write an essay about a time you embarrassed yourself in public.
  • Write an essay describing what you like and what you do not like about each of your closest friends.
  • In the form of an essay describe a moment where you engaged in a fight. Include what led to it and its consequences.
  • Write an essay about the most beautiful person you have ever met.
  • In the form of an essay write about a character flaw that you possess but are embarrassed about.
  • Write an essay describing the first enemy you have ever made.
  • Write an essay describing a moment when you were scared for your
  • In the form of an essay describe the time you felt like running away.
  • Write an essay describing why you will succeed in life.
  • Write an essay describing your bravest moment in life.
  • Write an essay about the last act of kindness that you
  • In the form of an essay, describe your favorite holiday.
  • Write an essay describing how you would change the life of someone you care about if you
  • Write an essay about your favorite place in the world and describe why it is so special to you.

Interesting Sample Personal Essay Questions

Below are some are some questions that you can utilize to come up with a good topic for your essay.

  • What challenges have you overcome?
  • What is your worst fear?
  • How do you deal with stress in your life?
  • Is trying too hard in life making you unhappy?
  • What motivates you?
  • How do you react to impulses?
  • Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
  • Are you too materialistic?
  • What do people assume about you?
  • Who are your role models?
  • What is the best advice you were given?
  • What wise words guide your life?
  • What is your role in the family?
  • Have your parents ever really embarrassed you?
  • Does your family support your dreams?
  • How well do you know your neighbors?
  • Are you embarrassed by the things you used to like?

Craft an Amazing Topic with These Personal Essay Ideas

Here are some great ideas that you may choose to follow up on to create good topics for your essay:

  • A day you will never forget
  • How your teachers contributed to the person you became
  • A person you are most afraid to lose in your life
  • Your first experience with love
  • How many lies you have told until now
  • A movie that relates to your life
  • A trip you loved the most
  • Imagine if you were wealthy
  • Imagine if you had a time machine

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